Project: – Google domination

URL:  (this site will be used as tier 2 seo to make fully stable and achieve top 5)

Account manager: Nimesh

Target keyword: engineered flooring london

Keyword start: 1,000
Target location: 1
Target achieved: 1 and 2

Competition: | | |

Notes: Hit by Google update on 17th October and fixed by 8th December 2014 – refer to full report below.

SEO status: Active (request to stop 20th March 2015)



Project: – Google domination


Account manager: Nimesh

Assigned growth hacker: Ricky Knight –

Target keyword: engineered flooring London

Keyword start: 87
Target location: 1
Target achieved: 11

Notes: Site was hit by Google prior starting. Domain needed slow sensitive work for an organic SEO growth.

SEO status: Stopped

Below status of start and status of fixed steady. The SEO currently steady at no.11 of Google. We aim to take to top 5 by October 2015.

startdate no87